Monday, January 30, 2012

Feeling crafty

Valentines candle holders (made with Aurora Zosel). Thanks, Pinterest!


  1. Are these pix at your apartment, Sarah? Neat place - and I love the photo of you and Helen as well as the bird in the cage - oh, and the Valentine candles. That reminds me, I have to get some candles for our place here in Mexico!!
    Thanks, honey!

  2. Hi aunt Sandy! Yes, they are pictures of my bedroom in my new apartment. The photo of me and Helen is actually another craft project that I did...I had the photo blown up and used modge podge, which is like a crafting glue that dries clear, to paint the photo onto the canvas. I made one for Helen for Christmas too :) I'm glad you like the Valentine candles, I made them by painting tissue paper onto the glass jars! I love lighting them while I do yoga before bed.

    Oh, Mexico! How is it? That sounds like a wonderful place to be right now.

    Thanks for the comment!

    Love, Sarah
