Saturday, May 12, 2012

Music of the day

These girls are absolutely incredible! 

Don't they make you wish you could sing? Well, if you're me, they do...
because I can't sing to save my life. 

This song put me in such a good mood this morning as I was sitting listening to it at the café while studying for my LAST FINAL OF COLLEGE!
...sorry, had to throw that in there :)

Have an awesome Saturday, everyone - the next time you hear from me I'll be a college graduate!


  1. Wow!!! Hahha I don't sound close to that even in the shower. :) I am sure you SQUASHED that final, which can only mean: we need our yoga/lake walk/coffee date ASAP!

  2. Haha I sure hope I did! I definitely studied enough :) Just so you know, I plan on LOTS of yoga/lake/walk/coffee dates...(and Quang dates since you got me hooked!) This is going to be the best summer.
