Wednesday, August 24, 2011

¡Mérida, Venezuela!

This is me, blogging comfortably from my hammock at Venusa, the college where I am studying in Mérida. And this is one of my favorite study areas:

Beautiful, isn’t it? One of my favorite things about the school and about life in Venezuela in general is that people are so much a part of nature. The houses and schools all have areas that are open to the outdoors, like this one.

Some things that are interesting here:

They eat lots of jamón y queso (ham and cheese), the café con leche (coffee with steamed milk and sugar) is better than any Starbucks latte that I’ve ever had, and there are never hand towels in the bathrooms.

And apparently ham and corn pizza is popular at Dominoes? Who would’ve thought.

Some things that I already love, some things I still have to get used to =)

My group and I arrived in Mérida on Monday night, and yesterday we took a walking tour through the city. These are my fellow travelers and the 20 people that I will be going to school with and getting to know over the next 3 months!

The architecture in Mérida is beautiful. This is a school building where they teach fine arts to children and people in the community, and the style here is very similar to many of the houses and buildings throughout the city.

Before coming to Venezuela, we had a layover in Miami where I met some of my group members and my roommate, Jenni. We took a taxi to Miami’s South Beach, and here are some photos from our day out!

My roommate Jenni and I

A baby jellyfish on the beach! The jellyfish were everywhere, and when the tide rises, they wash up on the beach. One of them washed right up onto my foot, but thankfully didn’t sting me! This one is clear, but most of them are purple and pinkish.

That’s all for now…more photos to come!


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