Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I'm in the spirit of school today, because for most students back in Minnesota, today is (once again) the first day of school. For the college freshman, it is their first first day of school. For the seniors, it may be their last first day of school. I, however, had my first day of Venezuelan school exactly 14 days ago, and nonetheless I feel like being a part of the big back-to-school hype.

I remember watching the video of my 5-year-old self getting off the school bus outside of Windom Open School on my first day of Kindergarten. I had my address and phone number memorized, and had ridden the bus all by myself from 4526 Wentworth to 58th and Nicollet. My grandpa was waiting outside with the video camera as I walked off of the bus, ready to capture my first footsteps as a "big kid".

No matter how old you are, the first day of school always brings the same two of emotions. A little bit of nervousness and excitement to meet new friends and start a new routine. But as you get older, you also feel confident that you'll get good grades this semester because you've done this before, sad because you have another year behind you, apprehensive about graduating from college, and overwhelmed with thoughts of 15 page papers and sleepless nights filled with homework and Pandora. You feel happy to see familiar faces in your classes and recognize professors, and proud that you showed up on time and prepared, with time to sip on your latte and eat your scone before the classroom fills and the professor introduces himself.

Most of all, the first day of school makes me feel excited and comfortable at the same time, and I think that's why I've always liked it.

My goal here is to achieve that same sense comfortability and excitement about school. I'm starting to get there - to be comfortable in my surroundings, find my favorite coffee shops and panaderías, and my favorite hammocks to sink into during breaks between classes. As far as the excitement part goes, I've never had such an unpredictable and exciting semester.


  1. I love reading what you write because it's YOU writing. First day of school...I miss buying lunch boxes.

  2. Thank you! But you are anonymous! Who are you? I just went into my settings and made it mandatory for people leaving comments to have to type in their name so I can see who is leaving them =)
