Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Apartment

I'm getting excited to move into my new apartment!

(from left) Jessi, Jenna, Steph, me, and Anne.

I will be living with Jessi, Jenna, and Steph, because Anne is going abroad to France. It worked out perfectly because we were able to switch places (she lived there while I was abroad in Venezuela). The apartment is adorable and is right in the heart of Dinky Town. I've never lived in Dinky Town before, but I think I'm going to love it. Not to mention that all of my classes are huddled closer to University this semester and my job is only a few blocks from my new apartment. Anyways, I'm hoping to start moving my things in right after Christmas and add my touch to my new home! I can't wait to live with these girls, they are all so much fun. It looks like I have a promising semester ahead, and a whole month and a half left of break to enjoy before that! Life is looking good.

I had girl's night at Aurora's apartment last night, which is decked out in Christmas decorations, and now I am sitting on her couch with a cup of coffee because I slept over last night. We are off to Target (my second trip since being home...) and then I have more friends to see and catch up with: today I am going to see Gretchen's house. That's all for now...more updates on my Christmas break adventures to come.

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