Friday, February 24, 2012

Apartment Envy

Apartment envy...

would be an understatement.

I was up late last night searching for the perfect 1 bedroom apartment... just so someday I can turn it into this.

Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

It might be a stretch, but who says I can't be inspired?
A girl can dream.


  1. I want an apartment like that too!

  2. You have been dreaming on Pinterest, I see. What's the deal with all the wedding dresses? News?

  3. Mom - you can help me decorate mine! I want to go to some estate sales and antique shops this summer and I'll need someone to shop with!

  4. Aunt Kimberly - the deal with the wedding dresses? That's just more of me dreaming! I resisted a wedding board for a while, but then I couldn't help myself. So, sorry, no news :)

  5. Don't apologize, it's more of a relief than a disappointment! :-)
    Dream away, but the best wedding doesn't have much to do with the dress ;-)

    Have fun planning your apartment. We called my first apartment The Jungle (as in Where the Wilds things are) so don't forget a suitable name for your summer pad.

  6. Oooh I like the idea of naming it! The Jungle is a great one...I'll have to keep that in mind when I'm shopping around this spring :-)
