Monday, February 13, 2012

V-day crafting

Valentine or no Valentine...they're still fun to make! I spent the majority of my Saturday night making sure at least 12 people in my life would feel special tomorrow...

A good craft session with a good friend (not to mention a really delicious dinner) might just make up for my lack of "Valentine" this year. Friends > valentines, anyway.



  1. I love my card! Thank you.
    (the keyboard needs a heart shaped icon key)

  2. I'm so glad you like your card! And agreed, the keyboard needs a heart key. But for now, this will have to do <3

  3. How am I not at all surprised. :) We need our xmas/valentines/buddydate, or my present to you is just going to keep growing!!

  4. Yes we do! Happy Valentine's day my love.
