Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blog make-over

As you may have noticed, my blog has gotten a serious make-over.

I've added a new photo to my front page, some new things to the sidebar, categorized all of my posts to make them easier to navigate through...and done some behind the scenes stuff (aka spending 6 straight hours re-formatting all of my old posts from my Tumblr days). Basically, it's all brand new and shiny (to me, anyway!). Check out the side bar and look back in the archives if you're interested in seeing some of my older posts - from my first few weeks here in Venezuela or all the way back to my time in Uganda. Or you can check out the different categories of posts, whether you're looking for recipes, posts about travel, or the posts that contain photos. It's all there!

I was actually feeling so proud of myself after the hard work and long hours put into revamping my blog that I decided I needed a make-over of my own...

That turned into at home facials, a pedicure, plenty of delicious smoothies, relaxing cups of tea while watching Grey's anatomy, a couple of satisfying runs, and two or three revitalizing yoga sessions accompanied by calming music.

It's basically turning into a zen weekend...and needless to say, I loved every minute of it.

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