Monday, November 28, 2011

Hitting the books.

Today, I'm buckling down. Believe it or not (I can't), tomorrow is the last day of my semester!

Meaning: it is my last day attending school in Venezuela AND I will only have one semester left of college. AH!

Other meaning: I will be drinking too much coffee today.

I have 3 final essays to hand in tomorrow and I'm almost done with all of them, minus the rigorous editing process (which sometimes results in me basically re-arranging my whole paper). But we'll see. Being a perfectionist might come in handy when I get my grades in a couple of weeks.

I'm somehow justifying this blog post by reassuring myself that writing clears my head, after all, I only have 4 days left to blog from Venezuela! But I can only convince myself that this is productive for so long :)

So before I go, here's the recipe of the day (yes, I might have been browsing recipes too...don't judge me.)

Red wine-braised short ribs over goat cheese mashed potatoes, the perfect winter meal.

It's probably time to get back to my essays, wish me luck!


  1. I can set up a coffee IV for you if you want when you get back. ;) I'm officially trained!!


    Can we set a date for when you get back, so I have a countdown to look forward to?!

  2. Thankfully I won't be needing a coffee IV again for 2 months after I get back! But when I start school up again, I might take you up on that. It would definitely cut down on the time I spend in the kitchen...

    I might not need the IV right now, but I'll take the luck! It can't hurt. 1.5 pages to go plus a few finishing touches and I'm home free!

    You know I live by my planner, so YES to setting a date. How about Wednesday the 7th or Thursday the 8th?
