Friday, November 4, 2011

Reflective therapy...hmmm

"Expressive writing has been proven therapeutic benefits...writing keeps your creative juices flowing, and that creativity can spread to other aspects of your life. It forces you to make new logical connections between your thoughts, and forces you to dig deep to come up with new ideas. It helps you be creative in a way that you can't be just by thinking or daydreaming. Writing regularly also has meditative benefits. The clarity of mind that comes with getting into "the zone" when writing is a wonderful thing."

I believe in this more and more after every blog post I write.

But what about the therapeutic benefits of say...Pinterest? I admit's a new obsession. Between this blog, Foodgawker and Pinterest, I wouldn't see the light of day again except for the fact that they actually inspire me to be more creative, more active, and really appreciate the little things around me. (Some of those little things being my time alone to write, cook, and ogle at photos of my dream home on Pinterest :) )

Now just a few reasons why I think is so great:

Frozen Strawberries dipped in creamy Greek Yogurt

Dream Home

Messy Journal - Artwork and Craft Ideas

If you want to keep up with more of my latest discoveries, projects, recipes, and ideas, you can click here: and follow me on Pinterest.

Have a great day, everyone!

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