Friday, November 18, 2011

Cookie Baking

Getting very excited for cookie baking day with some of my favorite people!

In case any of those particular people are reading this (you know who you are!), here is a cute

decorating idea that I stumbled across today and wanted to share with you:


  1. cuuute! i should probably start a pinterest baking board to keep all the ideas in one place, and then i remember i hate baking. :) BUT i really do wish you were here to make reese's bars with me for my gymboys. COUNTTDOWN.....!

  2. Well instead of creating a board if you hate baking, you can just tag me in them! You pin, I'll bake. I'll be back in Minneapolis exactly 2 weeks from today, meaning I only have 12 days left here in total and 6 days of class. The countdown is really here...I'm in the home stretch!

  3. Sarah, they are adorable...can't wait to see you. I think we are baking on Sunday, December 4th. I'll look for small pretzels to decorate with.

  4. I know, aren't they? I can't wait to see all of you! Aurora asked me the other day if she could come with for some cookie baking :) I already have the 4th written in my calendar!
