Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Finally, an excuse to write.

After a busy and stressful Spring Semester, I’ve REALLY been enjoying this summer. But as always, it’s going by way to quickly! I’m leaving for Uganda this Sunday as part of a research team studying PTSD in former child soldiers and other children who have experienced trauma. The trip is going to last 3 weeks, and will mostly consist of working as a research assistant (and probably babysitting a classroom of 80 to 100 kids). Right now I’m full of mixed emotions…excited, nervous, curious, and a little sad to leave everyone that I love in Minneapolis. You’re probably thinking that 3 weeks isn’t horribly long, but after getting home from Uganda I’ll only be in the US for 2 weeks before I leave for a 3 month adventure in Mérida, Venezuela, where I’m studying Spanish and staying with a host family. It is all so exciting, but as the trips get closer it’s also becoming overwhelming. My motivation to travel comes from a promise I made to myself before I went to college. I promised that I would go abroad to a place where I wouldn’t know anyone, and somewhere where I would have an opportunity to help people. I think my trips will meet my criteria, at least they do so far. To make a long story short, I’ll be using this blog to relate my adventures while abroad and to reflect on my experiences. The countdown to Uganda begins: 5. days.

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