Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17th.


I can’t believe I’m boarding a plane to Africa in 10 hours.

My itinerary will look something like this…

Fly into Amsterdam, take a train to Zanvoort (a town on the coast of the Netherlands). Stay in a guest house near the beach for the night.

Possibly tour Amsterdam before boarding again…and fly to Entebbe, Uganda. Arrive in Uganda on Tuesday.

Stay in a guest house in Entebbe overnight.

Next, head to Rwanda (not sure if it will be for one or two days)

Drive through Kampala to Lira. Lira is where the school is, so we’ll spend about 9 days there.

Then head to Masindi, Uganda where we will stay in a National Park and go on safari!

Next = boat ride on the Nile River (lots of hippos and crocodiles…)

Then off to the Bomoo Women’s Park and Wildlife Sanctuary.

Stay in a Rhino Sanctuary overnight.

Back to Lira.

Possibly head up to Gulu for a few days to visit Gulu University.

Return to Entebbe, and jump on a plane back to Amsterdam, and then home to good old MINNEAPOLIS!

….I’ll keep you posted on my adventures, but for now, back to packing. only 9.5 hours on the countdown!

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