Monday, October 31, 2011

A good time to write.

Today was a good day. I spent most of the day alone, whimsically drifting in and out of my thoughts, busy making green tea and eating bowls of bananas with peanut butter. I was productive too – writing a research report, making corrections on my resume, and getting my back-up class schedule prepared for registration on November 11th. I did a blog post about oatmeal, looked up some new pumpkin recipes and watched an episode of Grey’s Anatomy. And now I’m sitting on my bed listening to the rain hit the metal roof of the neighbor’s house, half wishing that it would stop so I could go on a cool after-rain run and half hoping that it doesn’t stop, but that it rains harder and harder so I have an excuse to remain right here on my bed, lounging in my yoga pants, writing. I’ve been exploring different kinds of therapy lately. You know, life enriching, stress reducing, feel-good activities. Running is one that I’ve always known makes me feel good. Running is for making me feel strong and unstoppable and competent. Yoga is for making me feel centered, relaxed, clear-headed and sophisticated. Music is for brightening my mood, and cooking is for making me feel comfortable, creative and domestic. Writing is the one I still haven’t figured out yet. My favorite time to write is early in the morning – really early when no one else is awake yet. It’s best when it’s still chilly outside and I leave my pajama pants on and wrap up in a sweater. It’s when I’m in a unique state of mind – clear, but still dreamy. I’m able to convey my thoughts well; it’s like they come right out, they just flow. No editing, no stumbling over words. Just clear, whole thoughts. That’s why early in the morning is when I think about the things that are hard to think about - why I write about Africa at 6 am and decide to apply for a new job before I’ve eaten breakfast. Maybe I can call it reflective therapy, when everything comes together so I can calmly peer at my life through some external lens, reflecting upon all things beautiful and all things messy about my life. It’s revitalizing really, satisfying. When I emerge from my pre-breakfast trance I feel grounded and accomplished. And that’s when I finally stand up, stretch, and throw some eggs in the pan for breakfast.

Banana Avocado Smoothie

So I guess I'm stuck on avocados.

Today I made a Banana avocado smoothie.

I was inspired by the abundance of avocados and bananas that are sold in the little stores and outdoor markets around our neighborhood, and I usually have them around to eat with my breakfast or lunch. It was only today that I was brave enough to combine them.

This is a recipe that I stumbled across yesterday, and I knew I had to give it a try:


1 ripe avocado
1 frozen banana
sugar, according to desired sweetness
1 cup milk
3 ice cubes

1. Cut avocado in half then scrape the flesh using spoon and place in blender.
2. Add frozen banana, milk, sugar and blend until smooth.
3. Add ice cubes and blend some more until smooth.
4. transfer to glass/es and serve.

Easy right? I didn't follow the recipe exactly, I skipped the ice cubes and the sugar and added half milk and half liquid vanilla yogurt for some sweetness. Oh, and I only used the end of an avocado as opposed to a whole one seeing as how the avocados here are 5 times the size of any I've ever seen.

And it was absolutely delicious! Don't believe me? Make one yourself. Easy, healthy, filling, and very very tasty :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Avacado for breakfast.

Check out these two postings that showed up on my Wordpress this morning:

Chocolate cream cheese ravioli

...and skinny onion rings.

Really? I appreciate healthy eating and being creative with food, but that’s taking it too far.

But…avocado for breakfast? That I can handle...I tried it this morning.

The avocados are
(scratch that) HUGE here.

I told my parents they were the size of my head (over a Skype conversation) and they didn’t believe me until I ran to the kitchen to get one and literally held it up next to my head.

Amazing, huh?

This was my breakfast this morning: One half of a warm arepa (it has a touch of sweetness), a gigantic pile of shredded white cheese, and a chunk of avocado. Mmmmm.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A twist on oatmeal

This was my breakfast this morning: a big batch of "avena" which is a type of grain, like oats, that they use to make a hot breakfast cereal. They add milk and sugar, cooking it slowly so it thickens to the consistency of oatmeal.

Then they add a multigrain cracker and top it with cinnamon. It's really delicious and got me thinking about all of the breakfast recipes I have saved to try when I get home...

one of which is for a baked peanut butter and apple oatmeal.

Baked Peanut Butter Apple Oatmeal

(by Reeni)

butter, for greasing pan or baking spray
2 cups rolled oats (long cooking) or steel-cut oats
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon sea or kosher salt
2 cups milk
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1 cup apple, peeled and diced small
2 tablespoons chopped walnuts

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Grease with butter or baking spray: 6 small oven-proof ramekins and place so they are not touching on a large baking sheet. Or grease an 8x8 inch deep-sided baking pan.

2. In a large bowl mix oats, sugar, cinnamon, baking powder and salt together. Stir in milk. Microwave peanut butter 10 seconds and stir into mixture until well combined. Stir in apple cubes.

3. Measure a 1/2 cup of mix into each ramekin, if there's anything left in the bowl distribute evenly amongst the ramekins. Bake ramekins 20 minutes, an 8x8 pan 30 minutes. Garnish with walnuts and/or a dollop of jam. Best eaten right away, leftovers can be stored in refrigerator tightly covered 3-4 days, you may need to add milk to them after reheating as the oats continue to suck up the liquid as they sit.

Makes 6 servings
I can't wait to try this recipe. Anything with apples, cinnamon and walnuts is at the top of my list to eat when I get home!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dark Chocolate Craving

Good dark chocolate = high cacao content, high fat, low-ish sugar stuff. Meaning…it’s actually not bad for you. Good news for all of the chocolate lovers out there!

A good dark chocolate review from Mark’s Daily Apple (shortened and modified a bit):

Valrhona Noir Extra Amer – 85% Cacao

lenoir extra 146x300

This bar looks fantastic: sleek, smooth, and dark, almost black, with a hint of red. A single square, if given sufficient mouth time, will slowly, smoothly melt, revealing floral, nutty, and coffee notes. If you try real hard, you may notice cinnamon, too.

The Noir Extra Amer goes well in a pot of spicy chili, right at the end just before serving.

(Trader Joe’s)

Chocolove XOXOX Extra Strong Dark – 77% Cacao

Picture4 3

If you’re trying to wean your significant other off of milk chocolate, go with the Chocolove XOXOX. You get the unmistakable flavor and light sugar content of a high-cacao bar with the creaminess and accessibility of a lesser-cacao bar. I keep these on hand for those times where I just want a bit of sweetness without the commitment required by the heavy darks. It tastes a bit like coconut.

(Whole Foods, Target)

Green and Black’s Dark – 85% Cacao

Picture5 2

Another brilliantly dark bar. It’s creamy, silky, smooth, and melts very well, but it’s not too bitter. Green and Black’s strikes an impressive balance between robustness and delicateness.

Dagoba Eclipse – 87% Cacao


Dagoba is full of complex flavors including fruit, clove, allspice, and other spice mixes. There’s even a bit of red wine in there.

(Whole Foods)

Scharffen Berger Extra Dark – 82% Cacao

Picture6 1

Figs and red wine, honey and spice(y). There’s even a bit of esperesso lurking in there. It’s not just the cacao that’s bitter; there’s a bite that lingers minutes after you’ve eaten it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011


It is definitely a sweatshirt morning. It's chilly out and I can see the sun starting to peek out from behind the mountains outside the kitchen window. I woke up on my own at 6:30, and I am the only one awake. I am sitting at the kitchen table sipping the coffee I just finished making. It was my attempt at a latte, actually. I made my instant coffee extra strong and steamed some real milk (not the powdered kind) in another pan on the stove. I poured the frothy milk over my make-shift espresso in a ceramic Christmas mug and it made that beautiful caramel and cream-colored swirl on the top like you see on the lattes that you order "for here" at coffee shops. I added about half a teaspoon of sugar and tasted it. I'm impressed, actually, because it tastes almost exactly like the skim latte I'd sip while doing my homework at Espresso Expose on campus last fall - the only difference is the tacky Christmas mug.

It always surprises me how much I enjoy waking up before everyone else and being the only one awake in a silent house. I like looking outside and seeing the first little bit of sunshine; There's something satisfying about it. It's quiet and peaceful here, and when I curl up on the couch of the deserted living room to read or flick on the lights in the kitchen before attempting to make an instant-coffee skim latte, I almost feel like I'm doing it in secret. Like I'm sneaking the pleasures of a relaxing morning read or a hot cup of coffee. It makes them more enjoyable somehow.

I get up to make another cup of coffee - a full teaspoon of sugar this time. I find myself working quietly, carefully transferring the small metal pan off of the burner and gently resting the spoon on the countertop. I think I'm unconsciously matching the silence of the house, as if one noise would give me away and put my morning adventure to an end.

I lift my coffee cup to my face and steam fills my glasses. Breathing it in wakes me up and when I step outside to get a feel for how cold it really is, the breeze reaches my neck and face and it makes me feel alive. It's definitely a day for sweatshirts.

When I return to my abandoned kitchen haven I stop in the doorway. Everything is still quiet and still - my book is sitting patiently on the table top, waiting to be picked up again. A crooked hand-sewn bookmark made of brown and blue fabric peeks out from amongst its pages as if suggesting that something good is about to happen and I should keep reading. I love that bookmark. I bought it in Uganda at a women's group where they displayed and sold hand-made crafts made by the women in the village. I remember now that the group also offered classes to the women, teaching them how to make woven baskets, drums, baby mobiles...and don't forget bookmarks. We had spent the night at the women's group - it was sort-of an eco-project where they would house guests overnight in mud huts and cook them breakfast in the morning in order to fund their projects - and before leaving in the morning I spent some time admiring their crafts. I chose a baby mobile with stuffed African animals made from colorful fabrics, a beautiful hand-woven basket in olive-green, and five bookmarks - one for me, three more for my mom, dad, and sister, and one for my grandma. They were all beautiful and unique, but I sought out the slightly imperfect ones with scribbly names handwritten on the small white price tags. I knew that those were the first attempts of the young girls in the village, some only 11 or 12 years old, and that they personally would receive the small amount that I paid for them. I also knew that they had been sitting there for some time, overlooked by other visitors, because there was a thin layer of dust accumulating on their crooked edges. I felt good picking out those five, knowing that my choice would bring far more excitement and pride than if I'd chosen the straight-stiched, unfaded bookmarks placed strategically at the front of the display table.

It feels good to write about Africa. Reliving just those few hours of my time there brings back a flood of memories. It's a flood full of unforgettable faces and incredible stories of lives so different from my own - ones that I'll never be able to completely retell, but that maybe I can slowly tease apart, one by one, and share with the world. But regardless of whether they end up in a journal, on my blog, or remain in my head, I'll always hold onto them, and they'll never stop being a part of me - of my memory, my conscience, and undoubtedly my passion for people.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

My 100th post.

I can't believe I am sitting here, writing my 100th blog post! That sounds like a lot, doesn't it? I've really enjoyed writing about my experiences and travels, sharing recipes, and posting photos here. This blog was a goal of mine before I left for Uganda - to write frequently, to document my travels, to post photos of new places - and to share all of it with my family and friends. I soon learned that this blog not only allowed me to connect to everyone at home, but that it turned into a place where I could reflect on my experiences, as well as a great creative outlet.

Since my trip to Uganda, I've become more and more attached to my blog. I love waking up early in the morning and thinking about what I'm going to write about. It's like a project to me. Maybe I love this blog so much because it allows me to justify looking up recipes when I should be looking up the political history of Venezuela...but I think it's also because it is something that I'm doing for myself, and little by little I've become very proud of it.

It's so cool to think that each of my most exciting experiences over the past 4 months is documented here. It's like a travel archive, and I have been writing all along with the hopes that someday I'll be able to look back, read my posts and essentially relive my experiences. That's important to me, because most of them were way to incredible to forget!

And now, to remember today...

Here's a picture of me having a scrubby, cozy day (I've been coming down with a cold), plopped on my bed, blogging. I don't know how I managed to get up and run this morning, but after a a run and a hot shower I haven't managed to do much but homework, work on my Uganda research and drink Camomile tea all day...oh and watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy =)

And usually while I'm writing I'm also listening to music, so here are some songs on the playlist that I'm listening to right now...

David Gray - Sail Away

Adele - I'll Be Waiting

Train - Drops of Jupiter

Andy Grammer - The World Is Yours



Oh, and here is the recipe that I have pulled up that I'm dying to make when I get home :)

Maple-glazed olive oil pumpkin cake.

As for my blog, I'll continue writing frequently for the rest of my time here in Venezuela (only about 5 weeks!) to document my travels, expose more beautiful places, and appreciate more small things.

Coco + Cacao

In Spanish, the word for coconut is "coco" and "cacao" refers to the tropical "fruit" that is used to make chocolate.

I LOVE coconut and chocolate, so when I saw this recipe from Mark's Daily Apple - a blog dedicated to living a healthy and natural lifestyle, I thought it was worth sharing.


Decadent Coconut Milk Whipped Cream with Berries and Dark Chocolate Coconut Mousse


mousse ingredients

  • One 15-ounce can of full-fat coconut milk

  • A handful of berries or 4 ounces of cooled, melted dark chocolate


Put the can of coconut milk in the refrigerator for several hours (or overnight).

When you open the can after it’s chilled, scrape off the solid top layer of creamy coconut, careful not to include any of the liquid on the bottom of the can. (Don’t waste the liquid left in the can – drink it or add it to a smoothie!)

canned coconutmilk

liquid left in can

before whipping

Whip the coconut cream with an electric mixer until it has the airy texture of whipped cream, about five minutes.

Layer the whipped cream in a glass with berries.


For a coconut milk chocolate mousse gently mix the melted chocolate into the whipped cream. Chilling the chocolate mousse before serving will give it a thicker texture, if desired.

adding chocolate


Friday, October 21, 2011

Squash and Apples

Pumpkins were covered yesterday. Now for the two other foods that instantly make me think of fall:

                    Squash and apples.

                                        Or better yet...

                        squash soup                     and                         apple crisp.

Squash soup:
What You Need 1 tablespoon olive oil 
2 shallots
1 pound butternut squash
1 medium boiling potato
1 bay leaf
Kosher salt
Fresh ground pepper (or white pepper, if you have it)
Sour cream and fresh dill, to garnish

Click here for the recipe.

Apple crisp:
What You Need 
2 Granny Smith apples
2 McIntosh apples
1 tsp. lemon juice
1/4 c. sugar
2 tbsp. brown sugar
1 tbsp. all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
dash of sea salt
dash of nutmeg
dash of cloves
dash of ginger
2/3 c. all-purpose flour
1/2 c. packed brown sugar
1/2 c. regular oats
3/4 tsp. cinnamon
5 tbsp. unsalted butter, diced
dash of sea salt

Click here for the recipe.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin season

Thanks to my lovely best friend, Aurora Zosel, I am now addicted to

I've had pumkin on the mind lately with all of my dreams of Minnesota Fall, so instead of picking pumpkins this year, I am picking my favorite pumpkin recipes.

My top 3 choices for the perfect pumpkin recipe:

1.) Pumpkin caramel cheesecake

Find the recipe here:

2.) Pumpkin bread pudding with bourbon vanilla sauce

Find the recipe here:

3.) Whole wheat pumpkin pancakes

Find the recipe here:

Happy fall, cooking, and pumpkin picking!

Open Table

Mpls.St.Paul Magazine Restaurant Week!

October 23 - 28, 2011

Two-course lunches and three-course dinners? Yum.

I'm sad that I'll be missing the "fabulous food & exclusive wine pairings," but I'm sure that my parents will enjoy them for me! I counted 38 Minneapolis and St. Paul restaraunts on the list, offering food from around the globe.

I think I'm most disappointed about missing La Chaya's organic Mexican and Mediterranean $30 dinners (

...and definitely El Meson's delicious latin food - $10 lunches and $30 dinners (

And just in case you're's a sneak peek at El Meson's Restaurant Week Menu:

First Course

A choice of
Caribbean style ceviche, shrimp, scallops, calamari, and fish, marinated in a spicy lime/habanero/cilantro sauce, served with Tostones and topped with fresh avocado.
Mixed greens and baby spinach topped with strawberries, cucumbers, pineapple, and spicy pecans, tossed in an blood orange vinaigrette

Second Course

A choice of
Jambalaya A Choice of Chicken or Shrimp Jambalaya, served with sautéed peppers and onions, andouille sausage, in a Creole sauce over white rice.
Blackened grouper served with sour cream mashed potatoes, sautéed spinach, in a saffron butter sauce, topped with a pineapple salsa

Third Course

A Choice Of
Classic Caramel Flan with fresh strawberries
Homemade Tres Leches Cake in a Strawberries and cream sauce

*Note to self: remain in the country next fall so as not to miss restaurant week.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This is what Venezuela looks like.

A landscape saturated with color.

Vivid blue sky, green mountain earth and a blue-green sea.

The mounds of mountain that surround me are like enormous dinosaur feet

Standing tall, strong and silent, covered in lush greenery, patiently containing the restless waves.

And I see all of this through squinted eyes

A translucent mist is flying through the wind

Salt-water pearls clinging to my eyelashes.


"One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”

El Páramo - Mérida, Venezuela

South Beach - Miami, Florida

Café Croacia - Mérida, Venezuela

Las Aguas Termales - Caja Seca, Venezuela

Playa Grande - Choroní, Venezuela

La Playa - Cepe, Venezuela


With every single step, I fall deeper in love.

8 weeks down and 6 to go, Venezuela.

That's 6 weeks to leave my footprints in as many places as possible in this beautiful country!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall in Venezuela

I've had an empty spot in my heart knowing that I'm missing Minnesota's most beautiful season...fall. I love everything about fall. The colorful leaves, the cozy sweaters, pumpkin soup and pulling out my to-go coffee mug. So you can imagine my surprise when I took a walk through a nearby neighborhood and saw these crispy fallen leaves! Pure happiness, and a wonderful reminder of home.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Journal entry #3:

There was a sunshower on the beach today. I wasn't able to take a photo because I forgot to charge my camera last night, but just picture it. The sky and water were so blue, and the sand was so white in the sun. When the drops started falling, everything sparkled. Most people returned to their umbrellas, but I put my book down, wrapped it safely in my towel to stay dry, and walk out to put my feet in the water. It felt like beating sun, hot sand, warm rain, and cool seawater.

There was a blind man wandering around the beach today with a hand-carved walking stick seeking out people to talk to. He must have recognized my voice from the day before, because he walked straight towards me as he neared our chairs and asked to talk to me. He was dark, too thin, and wrinkled from spending his life wandering the beach under the sweltering sun. He told me that I had a pretty voice, very familiar, and that he could tell I was a good woman. He had about a dozen hand-carved wooden kitchen utensils hanging from a leather strap around his waist and he explained each one to me. What type of wood it was made of, and exactly what to use it for. They were nice, but rather than buying a hand-crafted butter and marmelade spreader, I gave him the change I had in my wallet - enough to buy him an empanada for lunch. He seemed ever more greatful than I'd hoped he would...everyone in Venezuela likes empanadas.

We also met another man today. He was fifty years old, he told us that, and he had a kind smile. You know how sometimes you get a feeling from someone, just by seeing them, that they are a really good person? Through and through down to the core? I think it's universal, a feeling that occurs when you meet exceptional people everywhere. You could be any place on earth and when you met one of those people, you'd get the same exact feeling. That's the feeling that overwhelmed me when he approached our small group of three girls walking down to the beach today. We were carrying our cooler and towels like usual when he must have seen us from the window of his tiny restaraunt on the side of the road. He walked outside and down the road toward us and asked if we were on our way to the beach. We said yes and he said that he was too. He asked if he could carry our cooler for us (it was heavy) since we were headed the same place as he was. When he insisted, we said sure. He carried it the whole way for us, about a 15 minute walk in the burning sun with bare feet and carefully set it down in our favorite sandy spot under a big blue umbrella. I thanked him and when I asked him what brought him to the beach today, he smiled and said "Nothing. I just thought you looked like you could use a hand." He told us to be safe and to enjoy our time in Choroní before he waved goodbye and started the hot and sandy treck back to his restaraunt.

I'm pretty sure that these kinds of people do exist all over the globe, and even though I don't know his name, I think he was one of them.

Tonight my friend Alex and I decided to spend a relaxing girls night together after our long day at the beach, so we went out to dinner at a little restaurant next to the river. We shared a delicious caprese salad - fresh tomatoes, mozzerella, and pesto. Nothing like eating a fresh dinner at a rooftop table that overlooks the river, filled with boats like the canals. It almost looked like Venice.

After dinner, I went back to my posada, opened the window next to my bed, turned on the fan, and finally finished reading Julie and Julia.

The moral of the story is that good books, good people and good food all make for a very successful vacation =)