Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin season

Thanks to my lovely best friend, Aurora Zosel, I am now addicted to

I've had pumkin on the mind lately with all of my dreams of Minnesota Fall, so instead of picking pumpkins this year, I am picking my favorite pumpkin recipes.

My top 3 choices for the perfect pumpkin recipe:

1.) Pumpkin caramel cheesecake

Find the recipe here:

2.) Pumpkin bread pudding with bourbon vanilla sauce

Find the recipe here:

3.) Whole wheat pumpkin pancakes

Find the recipe here:

Happy fall, cooking, and pumpkin picking!


  1. I'm confused. Does the Pumpkin caramel cheesecake come with a side of puppy?

  2. I also want to know more about the puppy.

  3. Haha okay I'll answer the puppy questions!
    1.) No, Dad, the cheesecake does not come with a side of puppy.
    2.) Mom, I got that cheesecake recipe from a blog called Bite-my-cake, and they had pictures of the cheesecake posted along with the recipe. That just happens to be the best picture of the cheesecake...and then I realized that it's actually only one image - the cheesecake and the puppy, not two next to each other. So that was the only way to import it to my blog. But I liked it anyway, so here it is. I hope that answers your questions!
