Saturday, October 15, 2011


Journal entry number two:

Today we set off on the sunny twenty-minute walk past colorful little shops and restaraunts towards the ocean. I could smell the air and feel the ocean breeze before I could actually see the water, but when I did see it for the first time, I felt like I was standing in front of a larger-than-life postcard. The beating sun that I felt on my shoulders and the heat of the sand on my bare feet were the only reasons that I finally snapped out of my trance and moved toward a patch of shade underneath a gigant palm tree.

Playa Grande, Choroní's largest beach resting on the Caribbean sea, is an incredible place. It is cradeled in a nook by the green mountains and the sand feels like velvet under your toes. We all sat down under an umbrella just steps from the edge of the sea, and I read for hours. I think I just needed some time to realize that it was real - that I was really there, so I could appreciate it before jumping in to swim.

And I'm glad I did - feeling weightless in the middle of a translucent body of the bluest seawater you've ever seen, with waves rushing beneath you, mountains towering over you, and the sun soaking into your skin from every angle is overwhelming. It deserves preparing for, and even then it's impossible to take it all in.

The beach is so lively here. There are people everywhere, many who are selling things like food and necklaces. One man was even crouching on the sand cracking open oysteres and squirting them with fresh lime for people to eat! Another man selling jewelry was walking down the beach and started heading in my direction. He approached me while I was reading and asked to give me a gift. When I said "okay" he told me to hold out my wrist and he tied a delicate bracelet with a fancy knot made of blue string to it. As he was tying it on, he instructed me to think of three wishes, and as he secured three knots, he told me that he hoped each wish would come true for me.

These were my three wishes:

1. That I would never forget how exhilerating it feels to be in a place you never thought you'd be lucky enough to see.

2. That I'll be able to retain some of the amazing qualities of the people I've met here and hopefully incorporate their positive attitudes, energy, and willingness to lend a hand into my daily life in Minnesota.

3. To achieve the two main goals I set for myself for this trip: to drastically improve my Spanish and to form lasting friendships with people I've met over the course of my time in Venezuela.

My wishes are well on their way to coming true - I've established a very close friendship with my roommate, my Spanish is improving every day, I'm continually being inspired by the positivity of the people around me, and I can't imagine forgetting the feeling that consumed me when I first laid eyes on the Caribbean Sea.

I mean, it is pretty unforgettable...take a look for yourself.


  1. OMG the color of the water is incredible!

  2. Isn't it amazing?? That was the biggest shock to me how clean and how blue the water was. We'll definitely have to arrange a trip there someday!

  3. I love your wish #2. Almost as much as you.

  4. Erika - you can see to it that I make wish #2 come true when I come home! Can't WAIT to go to Sebastian Joe's with you, go on winter walks, take a spinning class, and have coffee and lunch dates =) Can. Not. Wait.
