Saturday, October 22, 2011

My 100th post.

I can't believe I am sitting here, writing my 100th blog post! That sounds like a lot, doesn't it? I've really enjoyed writing about my experiences and travels, sharing recipes, and posting photos here. This blog was a goal of mine before I left for Uganda - to write frequently, to document my travels, to post photos of new places - and to share all of it with my family and friends. I soon learned that this blog not only allowed me to connect to everyone at home, but that it turned into a place where I could reflect on my experiences, as well as a great creative outlet.

Since my trip to Uganda, I've become more and more attached to my blog. I love waking up early in the morning and thinking about what I'm going to write about. It's like a project to me. Maybe I love this blog so much because it allows me to justify looking up recipes when I should be looking up the political history of Venezuela...but I think it's also because it is something that I'm doing for myself, and little by little I've become very proud of it.

It's so cool to think that each of my most exciting experiences over the past 4 months is documented here. It's like a travel archive, and I have been writing all along with the hopes that someday I'll be able to look back, read my posts and essentially relive my experiences. That's important to me, because most of them were way to incredible to forget!

And now, to remember today...

Here's a picture of me having a scrubby, cozy day (I've been coming down with a cold), plopped on my bed, blogging. I don't know how I managed to get up and run this morning, but after a a run and a hot shower I haven't managed to do much but homework, work on my Uganda research and drink Camomile tea all day...oh and watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy =)

And usually while I'm writing I'm also listening to music, so here are some songs on the playlist that I'm listening to right now...

David Gray - Sail Away

Adele - I'll Be Waiting

Train - Drops of Jupiter

Andy Grammer - The World Is Yours



Oh, and here is the recipe that I have pulled up that I'm dying to make when I get home :)

Maple-glazed olive oil pumpkin cake.

As for my blog, I'll continue writing frequently for the rest of my time here in Venezuela (only about 5 weeks!) to document my travels, expose more beautiful places, and appreciate more small things.

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