Sunday, October 30, 2011

Avacado for breakfast.

Check out these two postings that showed up on my Wordpress this morning:

Chocolate cream cheese ravioli

...and skinny onion rings.

Really? I appreciate healthy eating and being creative with food, but that’s taking it too far.

But…avocado for breakfast? That I can handle...I tried it this morning.

The avocados are
(scratch that) HUGE here.

I told my parents they were the size of my head (over a Skype conversation) and they didn’t believe me until I ran to the kitchen to get one and literally held it up next to my head.

Amazing, huh?

This was my breakfast this morning: One half of a warm arepa (it has a touch of sweetness), a gigantic pile of shredded white cheese, and a chunk of avocado. Mmmmm.


  1. Not gonna lie... avocado kind of grosses me out. It reminds me of egg yolk and banana. Texture...? It's OK though - more for you!!

  2. Then you wouldn't like this...
    Avocado-banana smoothie. Yum!
