Monday, October 17, 2011

To start the day...

Morning routine: wake up, wash face, walk 10 steps out the door to the posada's café, immediately order a café con leche.

The walls of our posada, and also my view as I sip my morning coffee.

Ham and cheese omelet. Venezuela's food groups = ham, cheese, bread...and rice.

Love, Janis, Ishmael, and The Lucky One. These are the books that we've been rotating among my group of friends for long days on the beach, study breaks and morning coffee dates. Love, Janis is a biography of Janis Joplin written by her sister describing the details of her wild life as a young singer. Ishmael is an inspiring novel by Daniel Quinn about saving our planet, and The Lucky One is a feel-good love story written by Nicholas Sparks. A nice variety if I do say so myself :)

Pancakes with...Surprise! Ham and cheese! Why? Don't ask me.

One side of toast...they definitely don't skimp on the bread! And the peach marmelade was absolutely delicious.

My personal favorite. This is a photo taken from the restaraunt's menu, which very thoughtfully includes English translations of all of the dishes originally written in Spanish. "I'll have the corncakes with white sheese please."

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